Walking Together: Diversion

It is a truth universally acknowledged that no one should have to walk the path of life alone. It is also true that the youth of the world are the future of the world.

At Ashland Parenting Plus, these statements are taken to heart and lived out tangibly through Diversion Mentoring. This program pairs Ashland County youth with mentors that meet with them one-on-one and help to guide them through various seasons of life and areas of growth. 

There are multiple venues through which a Diversion client might be referred to APP, and the approach that each mentor takes depends on the client with whom they are engaging. Activities that take place during a Diversion meeting can be anything from games, crafts, or hiking to more intensive or specialized endeavors, such as practicing anger management techniques or processing struggles with depression and anxiety.

riding bikes is one way mentors leverage relationships with mentees

The ultimate goal is for mentors to walk alongside their clients and help empower them to reach their potential, diverting them from any bad paths that might be vying for their attention. 

Melissa See is APP’s newest Diversion Mentor and has been able to dive headfirst into her position, approaching it with enthusiasm and compassion. See acknowledges that she is in good company. “I started at APP in May and have loved it so far,” she states, “The staff is amazing. I love the way everyone seems to love each other and genuinely care for their clients.” 

And it was genuine care that brought See to Ashland Parenting Plus in the first place. As a person of deep faith, Melissa felt a call to “share love”, though she was not exactly sure what that would look like.

Through a series of well-placed conversations, See was led to Ashland Parenting Plus and now considers herself fortunate to be fulfilling the calling on her life in a tangible way. She says, “I am so thankful I’ve been given the chance to show love through doing something as simple as showing up for these kids every week and treating them the way I would want my kids to be treated, with kindness and respect.” 

I am so thankful I’ve been given the chance to show love through doing something as simple as showing up for these kids every week and treating them the way I would want my kids to be treated, with kindness and respect.” 

Melissa See

Before coming to APP, See did not truly understand the need for a program like Diversion in Ashland, but after a few days of working with clients, the reality began to set in.

In a world of difficult choices and myriad options, intentional, caring mentoring like Diversion is helping to combat the tide of youth involved in the system at all levels. As See shares, “There are so many kids that need us. They need hope! They need to know people care and they need a safe place to just be themselves.” 

As a recent outsider who has stepped into the fold of Ashland Parenting Plus, See simply hopes that “more people in Ashland would know APP and the amazing things this agency is doing for our community.” 

Stay tuned as more spotlights are shown on the difference that APP is making in Ashland County. 






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